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Fig. 1.9
Distribution of resistances for contact and via opens ( Rodrıguez-Monta nes et al. 2002 )
Fig. 1.10 Interconnect
resistive open
R o
Using the Elmore model, the total delay for a transition propagation is approxi-
mated by Eq. 1.6 :
ı D R ON C
C R o .1 ˛/ C
The factors influencing the delay added by an interconnect resistive open were ex-
perimentally analyzed by Arum´ıetal. ( 2008a ) . A set of resistive opens was injected
into a test chip at different locations. Furthermore, the resistance was controllable
because the opens were emulated by means of transmission gates. The delay mea-
sured on the tester for different resistances when transmitting a rising transition
through the defective line can be seen in Fig. 1.11 . The defective line was routed in
metal 4 surrounded by two neighbors as close as allowed by the technology. Differ-
ent open locations were considered (RN4-RN7), where RN4 has the minimum and
RN7 the maximum coupling length, ranging from a few m until a few mm of cou-
pling length. The open resistance was controlled by the voltage of the transmission
gate terminals (x-Axis). In this way, as we move from right to left on the x-axis,
the equivalent resistance of the transmission gate increases. As expected, the delay
increases for longer coupling capacitances and also for higher open resistances.
An interconnect resistive open defect weakens the signal propagated through
the defective line. Thereby, the line is more vulnerable to crosstalk. Some of the
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