Geology Reference
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are the bane of many geological and biological
clocks, including radiocarbon. Fortunately, the
decay constants for some of these pairs include
those that correspond to half-lives that are very
useful in neotectonic and climatic investigations.
Because the U-Th series is a more robust
clock than is 14 C, it has been used as a means of
calibrating the 14 C clock beyond the end of the
tree-ring record (Fig. 3.13). In a clever sampling
scheme, Bard et al. (1990, 1998) used the
calcium carbonate from submerged corals off
Barbados as a means of obtaining sample pairs
from the same material. The corals contained
both 14 C as some small fraction of the carbon,
and U substituting for Ca in the carbonate lattice.
Accelerator mass spectrometric (AMS) measure-
ments of the 14 C and accurate measurements of
the U-Th revealed a consistent offset between
the two clocks for samples older than the
Holocene. This important result indicates that
ages calculated using 14 C are as much as a few
thousand years too young for samples dating to
about 25 ka.
The substitution of U for Ca in carbonate
lattices makes shells and carbonate coatings in
soils prime targets for U-Th dating. Unfortunately,
not all carbonate materials retain the parents and
the daughters in their lattice through time - that
is, they are not “closed systems.” In particular,
most shells (for instance, typical clams) leak
uranium, making them essentially worthless as
clocks. Luckily, most unrecrystallized corals work
well, both the colonial and solitary types. In
Barbados, Fairbanks (1989) reconstructed past
sea levels using Acropora palmata , a coral that
grows within a couple of meters of sea level
(Fig. 2.2). The west coast of North America sports
numerous marine terraces whose ages are
needed in order to determine deformation rates
of the coastline. Because most of the coastline is
at higher latitudes than those at which colonial
corals grow, the target has been instead the
solitary coral Balanophyllia elegans . These corals
are difficult to find, as they are only a centimeter
in diameter and look like wagon-wheel
spaghettis. Nonetheless, they have been used by
numerous workers (see review in Muhs, 1992) to
identify which marine terrace was formed during
which sea-level highstand. U-Th has also been
Radiocarbon Calibration
Radiocarbon age:
4470 ± 40 yr (1 σ )
ages versus
calendar years
Range of
Calendar Years (Before Present)
Fig. 3.11 Radiocarbon calibration and ambiguity
of  14 C ages.
The calibration curve of radiocarbon age versus
calendar age is used to estimate the calendar age
represented by a radiocarbon date of 4470
40 years.
Despite a 1 σ uncertainty of only 40 yr in the radiocarbon
date, the range of calendar ages consistent with that
date is 600 yr older and extends across 300 yr (or up
to 400 yr for a 2
uncertainty). This large range of ages
can be narrowed somewhat if either smaller analytical
uncertainties or multiple dates for the same event can
be obtained. Data derived from the CALIB radiocarbon
calibration program of Stuiver et al. (2009).
rate within the last couple of millennia. This
tree-ring calibration method is valid to about
10 ka, beyond which another calibration method
is needed. Here we turn to the precise dating of
calcium carbonate deposits (in particular, corals)
by both U-Th dating and AMS with 14 C.
Uranium-thorium (U-Th) dating
The uranium decay series represents a very
trustworthy set of clocks. The series consists of a
set of several isotopes that are generated from
their parents at varying rates and that decay to
their own daughters at yet other rates (Fig. 3.12).
The ultimate parents of the chains are 238 U, 235 U,
and 232 Th. Decays take place at a statistically
steady rate that is independent of temperature,
of the magnetic fields of the Earth and of the
Sun, and of all other environmental factors that
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