Information Technology Reference
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The most popular way to share pictures, music, and data today is via mobile
devices. The sheer volume of data that is transmitted by mobile networks
provides insights to the providers on the performance of their network, the
amount of data processed at each tower, the time of day, the associated geog-
raphies, user demographics, location, latencies, and much more. The velocity
of data movement is unpredictable and sometimes can cause a network to
crash. The data movement and its study have enabled mobile service provid-
ers to improve the QoS (quality of service), and associating these data with
social media inputs has enabled insights into competitive intelligence.
The list of features for handling data velocity included the following:
• System must be elastic for handling data velocity along with volume.
• System must scale up and scale down as needed without increasing
• System must be able to process data across the infrastructure in the
least processing time.
• System throughput should remain stable independent of data
ve lo c it y.
• System should be able to process data on a distributed platform. Data Variety
Data come in multiple formats as it ranges from e-mails to tweets to social
media and sensor data. There is no control over the input data format or the
structure of the data. The processing complexity associated with a variety
of formats is the availability of appropriate metadata for identifying what is
contained in the actual data. This is critical when we process images, audio,
video, and large chunks of text. The absence of metadata or partial metadata
means processing delays from the ingestion of data to producing the final
metrics and, more importantly, in integrating the results with the data ware-
house (Tables 21.2 and 21.3).
The list of features for handling data variety included the following:
• Scalability
• Distributed processing capabilities
• Image processing capabilities
• Graph processing capabilities
• Video and audio processing capabilities
21.1.2 Common Characteristics of Big Data Computing Systems
There are several important common characteristics of big data computing
systems that distinguish them from other forms of computing:
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