Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
• Cloud can contribute to developing a sustainable competitive
• Cloud and other emerging technologies should be recognized as
strategic opportunities.
• Cloud and other emerging technologies need to be managed in a
wider context of a sustainable IT portfolio.
• Business and enterprise architectures should be made cloud compli-
ant to link the multiple strategic business and technology priorities
and operational delivery.
• Internal and external business environments will have bearing on
the cloud options and provision configuration.
• Cloud adoption will imply business and organizational change and
can in turn drive or support it.
• Perhaps most importantly, it is imperative to strike a balance between
business and information technology.
20.2 Planning for Migration
As enterprises take the strategic information era further into the innova-
tion era, they need to be able to develop a fitting strategic view of the nexus
between their Information Technology and business performance and in the
way it impacts their competitive position. Cloud computing reduced barriers
to entry; accelerates innovation cycles, as well as time to value and markets;
and commoditizes the once unique technical capabilities companies invested
in to design and develop. The dynamics are creating a new paradigm: com-
moditize to differentiate. Enterprises of all sizes now have incredible oppor-
tunity to review their current business processes and technology portfolios
and identify scope for simplification and new efficiencies and focus on their
core business where they can develop differentiating capacities. This exer-
cise requires smart planning not only of technological order but rather a
very important business activity. Enterprises need to appreciate the relation-
ship between technology in general and cloud fit, more specifically, to their
business and develop a holistic view of impacts of various business models
and scenarios in the context of their industry and their business. It is impor-
tant to realize the need to look beyond the boundaries of their enterprises
and consider the value chains and complex ecosystems that make up the
future successful cloud adoptions. Although it is stated that switching cost
from one cloud provider to another is significantly lower than the equiva-
lent traditional IT, the industry is still taking shape and the risks need to be
fully accounted for as well. The outcome would be developing integrative
business-IT strategies that leverage cloud for business benefits realization.
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