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SOAP was the original Web Service standard and is still the most important
and most widely used. Web Services do not depend solely on HTTP as a
transport layer. There are a number of other standards included in the Web
Service messaging category, including WS-Addressing and WS-Eventing.
SOAP messages can be sent over any transport protocol, including TCP/IP,
UDP, e-mail (SMTP), and message queues, and WS-Addressing provides
transport-neutral mechanisms to address services and identify messages.
WS-Eventing provides support for a publish-subscribe model by defining
the format of the subscription request messages that clients send to publish-
ers. Published messages that meet the provided filtering expression are sent
to callers using normal SOAP messages.
8.5 UDDI
In addition to service interface declaration (WSDL) and the SOAP messag-
ing standard, a large enterprise also needs a central place where the service
provider can publish their services using WSDL and the service consumer
can discover existing services. This is mainly due to the fact that in a large
enterprise, developer resources may be dispersed geographically. In par-
ticular, service providers and service consumers may be located far apart.
Such a central place is given the name registry. A registry is like a library
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