Agriculture Reference
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Campbell, David. 2001. Conviction Seeking Efficacy: Sustainable Agriculture
and the Politics of Co-optation. Agriculture and Human Values 18: 353-363.
Campos, Jennifer, and Minghua Zhang. 2003. On Farm Innovation: Identifying
Farmer Innovations of Low Risk Pest Management Using PUR. Presented to
PUR Workgroup, October 24.
Campos, Jennifer, and Minghua Zhang. 2004. Progress Towards Reduced-Risk
Pest Management. Practical Winery & Vineyard , March/April: 1-6.
Campos, Jennifer, and Minghua Zhang. 2005. Pesticide Use in California
Winegrapes Since the Enactment of the Food Quality Protection Act. Poster for
the Agricultural Geographic Information System Laboratory, University of
California, Davis.
CAPCA (California Agricultural Production Consultants Association). 1999.
Pest Control Advisor Demographic Profile.
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Carpenter, Stephen, Nina Caraco, David Correll, Robert Howarth, Andrew
Sharpley, and Val Smith. 1998. Nonpoint Pollution of Surface Waters with
Phosphorus and Nitrogen. Issues in Ecology 3: 16.
Carroll, John E. 2005. The Wisdom of Small Farms and Local Food: Aldo
Leopold's Land Ethic and Sustainable Agriculture . New Hampshire Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Carson, Rachel. 1962. Silent Spring . Houghton Mifflin.
Carter, Harold, Ray Coppock, Marcia Krieth, Ivan Rodriguez, and Stephanie
Weber Smith. 1996. Voices of California Farmers: Effects of Regulations.
University of California Agricultural Issues Center.
Center for Agricultural Partnerships. 2002. Evaluation and Recommendations
for California's Department of Pesticide Regulation's Pest Management Alliance
Program. California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
Central Coast Vineyard Team. 2000. Exploring Environmental Labeling and
Certification for Sustainable Agriculture Programs.
Central Coast Vineyard Team. 2003. Positive Points System.
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2002. 2002 CWA Section
303(d) List Of Water Quality Limited Segment.
CIAS (Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems). 1998. Perspectives: A
Background Document Prepared for the Reviewers of the Center for Integrated
Agricultural Systems. University of Wisconsin.
Cochrane, Willard. 1979. The Development of American Agriculture: A
Historical Analysis . University of Minnesota Press.
Colborn, Theo, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers. 1996. Our Stolen
Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival? A Scientific
Detective Story . Dutton.
Conaway, James. 1990. Napa . Houghton Mifflin.
Conaway, James. 2002. The Far Side of Eden . Houghton Mifflin.
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