Agriculture Reference
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Barham, Elizabeth. 2003. Translating Terroir: The Global Challenge of French
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Bell, Michael Mayerfeld. 2004. Farming for Us All: Practical Agriculture and the
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Reducing Reliance on High-Risk Pesticides in WI Potato Production. Journal of
Potato Research 79: 183-199.
Bentley, Walt, Lonnie Hendricks, Roger Duncan, Cressida Silvers, Lee Martin,
Marcia Gibbs, and Max Stevenson. 2001. BIOS and Conventional Almond
Orchard Management Compared. California Agriculture 55, no. 5: 12-19.
Berkenkamp, JoAnne, and Pam Mavrolas. 2003. Changing Attitudes, Changing
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Bisson, Lind, Andrew Waterhouse, Susan Ebeler, M. Andrew Walker, and James
Lapsley. 2002. The Present and Future of the International Wine Industry.
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Bohm, David. 1993. Last Words of a Quantum Heretic. New Scientist 137, 27
February: 42.
Bosso, Christopher. 1987. Pesticides and Politics: The Life Cycle of a Public
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Brodt, Sonja, Karen Klonsky, and Laura Tourte. 2001. Farmer Goals and
Management Styles: Implications for Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture.
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Brodt, Sonja, Karen Klonsky, Laura Tourte, Roger Duncan, Lonnie Hendricks,
Clifford Ohmart, and Paul Verdegaal. 2004. Influence of Farm Management
Style on Adoption of Biologically Integrated Farming Practices in California.
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 19, no. 4: 237-247.
Broome, Janet, W. Settle, Robert Bugg, Marcia Gibbs, and Clifford Ohmart.
1997. Biologically Integrated Farming Systems: Approaches to Voluntary
Reduction of Agricultural Chemical Use. Presented at meeting of Society of
Environmental Toxicologists and Chemists, San Francisco.
Browde, Joseph. 2002. Pest Management Alliance Project Final Report.
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Browne, William. 1988. The Fragmented and Meandering Politics of
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Resources for the Future.
Browne, William. 1995. Cultivating Congress: Constituents, Issues, and Interests
in Agricultural Policymaking . University of Kansas Press.
Browne, William. 1998. Groups, Interests, and US Public Policy . Georgetown
University Press.
Browne, William, Jerry Skees, Louis Swanson, Paul Thompson, and Laurian
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