Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Spanish postal system, Correos ( 902 190197; ), is generally reli-
able, if a little slow at times.
Postal Rates
Sellos (stamps) are sold at most estancos (tobacconists' shops with 'Tabacos' in yellow
letters on a maroon background), as well as post offices. A postcard or letter weighing up
to 20g costs €0.75 from Spain to other European countries, and €0.90 to the rest of the
world. For a full list of prices for certificado (certified) and urgente (express post), check
the 'Fee Calculator' on the website.
Sending Mail
Delivery times are erratic but ordinary mail to other western European countries can take
up to a week; to North America up to 10 days; and to Australia or New Zealand between
10 days and three weeks.
Public Holidays
The two main periods when Spaniards (and Mallorquins are no real exception) go on holi-
day are Semana Santa (the week leading up to Easter Sunday) and August, at precisely
the same moment when half of Europe descends on Mallorca. Accommodation can be
hard to find and transport is put under strain.
There are 14 official holidays a year, to which most towns add at least one to mark their
patron saint's day. Some places have several traditional feast days, not all of which are of-
ficial holidays, but which are often a reason for partying. The main islandwide public holi-
Cap d'Any (New Year's Day) 1 January
Epifania del Senyor (Epiphany) 6 January - in Palma a landing of the Three Wise Men
(Reis Mags) is staged in the port, followed by a procession
Dia de les Illes Balears (Balearic Islands Day) 1 March
Dijous Santa (Holy Thursday) March/April
Divendres Sant (Good Friday) March/April
Diumenge de Pasqua (Easter Sunday) March/April
Festa del Treball (Labour Day) 1 May
L'Assumpció (Feast of the Assumption) 15 August
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