Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
bling your own little feast, from tuna sashimi to spicy blood sausage wontons and roasted
quail with lentils.
Parc Natural de Mondragò Office (
971 64 20 67; Carrer de Can Llaneres 8;
Information on visiting this coastal protected area.
Getting There & Away
Up to six buses head to Palma (€6.50, 1½ hours) daily.
Cala Figuera
If you could see Cala Figuera from the air, it would look like a snake with its jaws open
wide, biting into the pine trees and low buildings of the resort. Although the town itself is
nothing special, the romantic, restaurant-lined port is one of the prettiest on the east
coast. A few yachts and pleasure cruisers line up beside the painted fishing boats, but
Cala Figuera retains its air of old-world authenticity. Local fishers really still fish here,
threading their way down the winding inlet before dawn and returning to the port to
mend their nets.
Red Star Tours BOAT TOUR
( 664 243464; ; Port de Cala Figuera) Hop aboard for a 15-minute tour
of the port (adult/child €10/7), a 30-minute trip to surrounding bays including Cala
Santanyí (€15/11), or a one-hour nature tour (€25/17) taking in a string of little-known
Restaurante Petite Iglesia FRENCH €
( 971 64 50 09; ; Carrer de la Marina 11; mains €13.50-21, menus
6-11pm Apr-Oct;
) Situated two blocks up the hill from the water, it may
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