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but scenarios can play an important role in this intermediate space between short forecasting
and long term hope.
Sources of uncertainty have been defined as a combination of demand side factors (e.g.
interpreted within transport as traffic volumes and rates of growth and decline, etc.), supply
side (perhaps including vehicular technology and the wider range of policy interventions) and
external factors (e.g. governmental policy and social pressures) (Karnani and Wernerfelt,
1987). Perhaps the Van der Heijden view is also optimistic in today's world, as major
uncertainties (and shocks) can appear in even the short term, for example through climate or
financial related events, and these events are often from outside the transport system and not
contained within it.
Figure 2.9 Metropolis , 1927, directed by Fritz Lang. In the sprawling futuristic mega-city Metropolis, society
is divided into two classes: one of planners and management, who live high up in luxurious
skyscrapers; and one of workers, who live and work underground.
Freder : It was their hands that built this city of ours, Father. But where do the hands
belong in your scheme?
Joh Frederson : In their proper place, the depths.
Source : British Film Institute Stills Collection.
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