Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.16
Second-hand car fleet. Many of
the vehicles are second-hand
cars from Japan.
second-hand fleet. The results show that CO2 emissions might be reduced by around 35 per
cent relative to the BAU in 2041, or 2.4 tCO2 per capita relative to 3.8 tCO2 per capita
under BAU.
The spatial pattern of CO2 reduction is also interesting, if assessed using INTRA-SIM
Auckland, in that the greatest reductions (relative to the 2041 BAU) are found on the North
Shore and Manuwera, i.e. where car dependency and travel distances are longest, and where
vehicle technologies would make a large difference to emissions.
Scenario 3: sustainable mobility
The 'sustainable mobility' scenario envisages very radical progress to be made with a fuel
efficient vehicle fleet, with much reduced car and LCV vehicle emissions, but also much
lower levels of vehicle use relative to the BAU projection. In terms of cars, the average fleet
emits around 95 gCO2/km by 2041, hence below the level of the current best hybrid and
diesel vehicle technologies. There is heavy investment in public transit, walking and cycling,
and the urban structure is developed to help support the use of non-motorised travel.
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