Database Reference
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Interactive console - Neo4j shell
Neo4j shell is a command-line utility for performing CRUD operations on the Neo4j data-
base. In this section, we will talk about the step-by-step process involved in executing
Cypher queries using neo4j-shell .
Perform the following steps to run your Cypher queries in neo4j-shell :
1. Assuming that your server is already started, open a new Command Prompt,
browse <$NEO4J_HOME>/bin/ , and execute neo4j-shell . This will show
you the shell prompt where you can execute your Cypher queries.
2. Next, execute the following set of statements on the console:
CREATE (movies:Movies {Name:"Rocky",
MATCH (n) return n;
3. You will see something like the following screenshot on your console:
WOW!!! We are done! Simple, isn't it?
In the preceding example, we created a node called Movies with two attributes— Name
and ReleaseYear . After creation, we fetched the same data using the Match query.
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