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Configuring a Neo4j cluster on Linux/Unix
Let's perform the following steps to install Neo4j Enterprise Edition on Linux:
1. Download and install Oracle Java 7, available at
work/java/javase/install-linux-self-extracting-138783.html or Open JDK 7, avail-
able a t .
2. Set JAVA_HOME as the environment variable using the following command in
your Terminal:
export JAVA_HOME=<Path of Java install Dir>
3. Download the stable release of the Linux distribution neo4j-enter-
prise-2.1.5-unix.tar.gz from .
4. Once downloaded, extract the archive into any of the selected folders and let's refer
to the top-level extracted directory as NEO4J_HOME .
5. Open <$NEO4J_HOME>\conf\ and enable/
modify the following properties:
"#org.neo4j.server.database.mode=HA" : This property al-
lows us to keep this value as HA . You can run it as standalone too by
providing the value as SINGLE .
"#org.neo4j.server.webserver.address=" : This
property allows us to enable and provide the IP of the node to enable re-
mote access.
6. Open <$NEO4J_HOME>\conf\ and enable/modify the
following properties:
"#ha.server_id=" : This is the unique ID of each node that will parti-
cipate in the cluster. It should be an integer (1, 2, or 3).
"#ha.cluster_server=" : This is the IP ad-
dress and port for communicating cluster status information with other in-
"#ha.server=" : This is the IP address and port
of the node for communicating transactional data with other instances.
"#ha.initial_hosts=, ":
This is a comma-separated list of the host port ( ha.cluster_server ),
where all the nodes will be listening. This would be the same for all the
nodes participating in the same cluster.
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