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Installing as a Linux tar / standalone application
There are no second thoughts that administrators/users have always preferred installing
critical software such as Neo4j as Linux service; however, there are instances where users
do not have sufficient privileges to install software as a service, there is another way that
users can download Neo4j, perform some manual configuration, and start using it.
Let's perform the following steps to install Neo4j as a Linux tar / standalone application:
1. Once the Neo4j archive is downloaded, browse the directory where you want to
extract the neo4j server and untar the Linux/Unix Archive— tar -xf <loca-
tion of Archive file> . Let's refer to the top-level extracted directory as
2. Open Linux shell or console and execute the following commands to start the serv-
$NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j - start - This command is used to run
the server in a new process.
$NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j - console - This command is used to
run the server in the same window without forking a new process.
$NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j - restart - This command is used to
restart the server.
3. Browse http://localhost:7474/browser/ and you should see theNeo4j
4. Stop the server by typing Ctrl + C or <$NEO4J_HOME>/bin/ neo4j -
stop .
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