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Installing as a Windows archive / standalone
There is no doubt that administrators/users have always preferred installing critical soft-
ware such as Neo4j as a Windows service; however, there are instances where users do not
have sufficient privileges to install software as a service, and for this reason, there is anoth-
er way that users can download Neo4j and can do manual configuration and start using it.
To install Neo4j as a Windows archive, let's perform the following steps:
1. Depending upon your Windows platform (64 bit or 32 bit), download the latest
stable release of Neo4j from .
2. Once downloaded, extract the archive into any of the selected folders and refer to
the top-level extracted directory as NEO4J_HOME .
3. Open the <$NEO4J_HOME >\bin directory and double-click on Neo4j.bat
and you are done.
4. Stop the server by typing Ctrl + C .
5. Browse to http://localhost:7474/browser/ and you should see
theNeo4j browser.
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