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<$M2_HOME>/bin/mvn clean install
4. You will see the project's JAR file in <$Spring-Neo4j>/target/ . Copy the
JAR file and place it in <$NEO4J_HOME>/plugins/ .
5. Open <$NEO4J_HOME>/conf/ and add the
following configuration:
The preceding configuration defines the package name, which contains your un-
managed extensions
( org.neo4j.custom.server.extension.unmanaged ) and the exten-
sion point ( /examples/unmanaged ), which will be exposed as a new REST
endpoint ( /examples/unmanaged/getAllNodes ).
6. Stop your Neo4j server by pressing Ctrl + C (in case it is already running) and ex-
ecute <$NEO4J_HOME>/bin/neo4j start . Now your Neo4j server will be
up and running with your unmanaged extension.
7. Open SoapUI or any other tool and execute the GET REST request with the fol-
lowing configurations:
◦ Request method type: GET
◦ Request URL: https://localhost:7473/examples/unman-
aged/getAllNodes or http://localhost:7474/examples/
◦ Request headers: Accept: application/json; char-
set=UTF-8 and Content-Type: application/json
8. Execute the REST request and you will see that the request is successful and re-
turns a JSON response containing the node IDs, as shown in the following screen-
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