Database Reference
In-Depth Information
We can add more plugins but every plugin needs to be defined on a new line.
7. Open the console, browse <$Spring-Neo4j> , and execute the following com-
mand to compile the code:
<$M2_HOME>/bin/mvn clean install
8. Copy the project's JAR file from <$Spring-Neo4j>/target/ and place it
in <$NEO4J_HOME>/plugins/ .
9. Stop your Neo4j server by pressing Ctrl + C (in case it is already running) and ex-
ecute <$NEO4J_HOME>/bin/neo4j start and your Neo4j server will be
up and running with your custom plugin.
10. Open SoapUI or any other tool for executing a GET REST request with the fol-
lowing configurations:
◦ Request method type: GET
◦ Request URL: https://localhost:7473/db/data/ or ht-
◦ Request headers: Accept: application/json; char-
set=UTF-8 and Content-Type: application/json
11. Execute the REST request and you will see that your plugin is listed as a new
REST endpoint under <extensions> , as shown in the following screenshot:
12. Open your <$NEO4J_HOME>/bin/neo4j-shell and execute the following
cypher statements to clean up your database:
match (x)-[r]-() delete r;
match (x) delete x;
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