Database Reference
In-Depth Information
a given Node")
public class GraphTraversal extends ServerPlugin {
Graphs from a given Node")
public Iterable<Path> executeTraversal(@Source
GraphDatabaseService graphDb,
@org.neo4j.server.plugins.Description("Value of
'Name' property, considered as RootNode for searching
@Parameter(name = "name") String name) {
return startTraversing(graphDb, name);
public enum RelTypes implements RelationshipType {
private List<Path>
startTraversing(GraphDatabaseService graphDb, String
name) {
List<Path> allPaths = new ArrayList<Path>();
// Start a Transaction
try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) {
// get the Traversal Descriptor from instance
of Graph DB
TraversalDescription trvDesc =
// Defining Traversals needs to use Depth First
trvDesc = trvDesc.depthFirst();
// Instructing to exclude the Start Position
and include all
// other Nodes while Traversing
trvDesc =
// Defines the depth of the Traversals. Higher the
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