Database Reference
In-Depth Information
for @RelationshipEntity .
Further, these new interfaces are implemented by the aspects provided by Spring. For ex-
ample, NodeBacked is implemented by Neo4jNodeBacking and Relation-
shipBacked is implemented by Neo4jRelationshipBacking .
You can find all these aspects under and the source can be down-
loaded from GitHub at
spring-data-neo4j-aspects/src .
All these aspects are injected as dependencies to the backing interfaces, and in some
cases, calls to methods are intercepted and delegated to the specific implementations of
the graph databases. Spring also introduces new methods and properties to the annotated
Perform the following steps to enable advanced mapping mode in your Spring project:
1. Edit your Spring-Neo4j/pom.xml and add the following Maven plugin to
include the AspectJ compilation just before the </project> tag:
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