Database Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Now, let's annotate this class with @NodeEntity . This is to indicate and inform
the Spring framework that this POJO ( ) is an entity of a node,
which will be persisted in the Neo4j database.
4. Next annotate the property graphId with @GraphId . This is to indicate that
this field will be used to store the unique node IDs generated by Neo4j.
5. There is another property, id , which we have created to store a user-generated
unique ID. This is to make sure that we do not depend upon GraphId for
uniqueness of our nodes. Let's define a unique index on the id property by annot-
ating it with @Indexed(unique=true) . This is similar to creating a unique
index on a node property in the Neo4j database.
The rest of the attributes, that is, name and year_Of_Birth , would be used to
store the name of the artist and his year of birth. The updated
class would look like this:
package org.neo4j.spring.samples.domain;
public class Artist {
private Long graphId;
@Indexed ( unique=true )
private String id;
private String [] workedAs;
private String name;
private int year_Of_Birth;
//Define getters and setters for all properties.
6. Next, create a
class and define the following properties and annotation:
package org.neo4j.spring.samples.domain;
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