Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The objective of Spring Data was to provide a consistent programming model for access-
ing the data from various type of data stores, irrespective of the format and type of under-
lying data, which can be in any of these forms: key-value, document, graph, or column.
Spring Data is also referred to as the umbrella project, which contains many subprojects
that are specific to a given database. All these subprojects are developed by working to-
gether with many of the companies and developers that are behind these new technolo-
Spring Data Neo4j is based on similar principles and is a subproject of Spring Data that
enables POJO-based development for the Neo4j graph database by leveraging Spring's fa-
miliar template programming model.
Spring Data Neo4j offers annotation-based configuration of entities and then maps them
to nodes and relationships within the Neo4j database. It also provides advanced repositor-
ies that are built on the Spring repository infrastructure—
data-commons/docs/current/reference/html/#repositories .
Spring Data Neo4j repositories support annotated and named queries for the Neo4j
Cypher Query Language and come with typed repository implementations that provide
methods for locating node and relationship entities.
There are several types of basic repository interfaces and implementations as follows:
CRUDRepository : This interface/implementation is the base class that
provides basic CRUD operations over Nodes and Relationships
IndexRepository / NamedIndexRepository : This interface/implement-
ation leverages Neo4J Indexing APIs to perform searching or scanning of indexes
CypherDslRepository : This interface/implementation provides wrapper
and integration with Neo4j APIs for executing Cypher Queries
TraversalRepository : This interface/implementation provides wrapper
and integration with the Neo4j traversal API, and also provides convenience
methods for searching and traversals
RelationshipOperationsRepository : This interface/implementation
performs CRUD operations over relationships
SpatialRepository : This interface/implementation is a special type of re-
pository that provides geographic searches
SchemaIndexRepository : This interface/implementation deals with Neo4j
Schema APIs, which was introduced with Neo4j 2.0 and above
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