Database Reference
In-Depth Information
To run the preceding code, perform the following steps:
1. Import the following Java packages in your pro-
2. Open the console and browse the location where you have created your Maven
3. Now, execute following command to compile and create a build:
mvn clean compile install
4. Next, to run your embedded server, execute the following Maven command in the
mvn exec:java
Let's understand the different sections of the preceding code:
GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory()
.newEmbeddedDatabase("Location of Storing Neo4j Database
The preceding piece of code initializes the Neo4j database and stores the database files in
the given directory, which should be the path of the local filesystem.
//Register a Shutdown Hook
The preceding statement defines a function that registers a shutdown hook for the Neo4j
database so that it shuts down nicely when the VM exits. It also ensures a clean shutdown
even if you execute Ctrl + C on the running application.
We can also configure the various database configurations using the functions provided in
GraphDatabaseBuilder . For example, the database creation code can be rewritten
as follows:
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