Database Reference
In-Depth Information
} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
Perform the following steps to compile and run the preceding code snippets from the IDE:
1. Stop your Neo4j server (if it is already running).
2. Provide all the JAR files from <$NEO4J_HOME>/lib/ in the classpath.
3. Add or import org.neo4j.graphdb.schema.* as an additional package.
4. Wrap the code around the transaction in a try and catch block: try (Transac-
tion tx = graphDb.beginTx()) {} . try-with-resources is
available only with Java 1.7 and above.
5. Initialize the Java variable, DBLocation , with the location of your Neo4j data-
base as per your local filesystem, which is generally available at
<$NEO4J_HOME>/data/graph.db .
The constraints can be deleted by using ConstraintDefinition#drop .
Creating the constraint automatically creates the index on the same column and will be
deleted as soon as the constraint is dropped.
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