Database Reference
In-Depth Information
For compiling and running each of the preceding code snippets, perform the following
steps and execute it from the IDE itself. You should now see that indexes are being cre-
ated/listed/dropped on the Movies label:
1. Stop your Neo4j server (if it is already running).
2. Provide all JAR files from <$NEO4J_HOME>/lib / in the classpath.
3. Apart from org.neo4j.graphdb.* and
org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.* add or import
org.neo4j.graphdb.schema.* as an additional package.
4. Wrap the code around the transaction in a try and catch block: try (Transac-
tion tx = graphDb.beginTx()) {} . try-with-resources is
available only with Java 1.7 and above.
5. Initialize the Java variable DBLocation with the location of your Neo4j data-
base as per your local filesystem, which is generally available at
<$NEO4J_HOME>/data/graph.db .
Updating / Inserting data is an automatic process, so there are no APIs that provide opera-
tions for updating or inserting data.
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