Database Reference
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The preceding statement will first try to match the given node. If the match is successful,
then it will ignore ON CREATE and execute the pattern defined in ON MATCH and will
create another property by name of last_seen and associate it with the provided node,
as shown in the following screenshot:
MERGE can also be used with relationships where it checks whether a relationship exists,
and if not, then it creates a new one:
MATCH (actor:Actor {Name: "Russell Crowe", Age: 50}),
(movies:Movie {Title: "NOAH", Year: 2014})
MERGE (actor)-[r:ACTED_IN{Language:"English"}]->(movies)
return actor,r,movies;
The preceding statement has three parts. In the first statement, it defines the MATCH
clause and instructs to match the existence of the given nodes. In the second statement, it
defines the MERGE statement and instructs either to create a new relationship, or if it
matches, then return the existing one. Finally, in the last statement, we used return
actor,r,movies and printed everything on the console.
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