Database Reference
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Working with the RETURN clause
RETURN is used to return the results of Cypher statements to the program, which is re-
questing Neo4j to execute queries or statements. It is similar to SQL SELECT . But in
Cypher it needs to be the last statement of the query.
Except the CREATE statement, every other Cypher statement should end with RETURN ,
otherwise it is treated as an invalid statement and the compiler will throw an error.
There are clauses such as ORDER BY, SKIP, and LIMIT, which can be used with
RETURN for getting the results in a desired format.
Let's take an example where we need to get all nodes marked with the label Artist in a
particular order (ascending or descending) and also retrieve only the top two rows:
MATCH (n:Artist) return n order by n.Name desc LIMIT 2;
Remove desc from the preceding statement to get the results in ascending order. You can
also use SKIP with RETURN for ignoring a particular number of specified rows starting
from the top of the results.
Let's rewrite our previous query and use to SKIP 1 record:
MATCH (n:Artist) return n order by n.Name desc SKIP 1 LIMIT
The results of the preceding query will skip a record from the top; then it will show the
second and third rows of the result set, as shown in the following screenshot:
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