Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 8.2: Some Typical Computer-Aided Analysis Packages
Mathematical Analysis (Including Optimization)
Designed for mathematicians. Has the ability to solve equations numerically, but also
to solve them as equations. Can produce a report for the DHF.
Like MAPLE but designed specifically for engineers; hence incorporates
toolboxes suited to engineering calculations. Can perform statistical analysis for
hypothesis testing.
Designed for matrix manipulation. Large selection of toolboxes for control,
simulation, and signal processing. A great tool for data analysis.
Spreadsheet: great for DoE analyses. Also incorporates some statistical analysis for
hypothesis testing.
A freeware version of MATLAB but with much reduced functionality.
Data Analysis/Data Logging
Primarily a data logging program written by National Instruments. It is a world
leader in this discipline. However its control simulation and its ability to act as a data
analysis tool make it very useful.
Fluid Dynamics
CFD has grown in popularity over the past two decades. CFD can be used to analyze
fluid flow over bodies, in bodies, or through bodies. Has clear use in pulmonary,
cardiovascular, and thoracic medicine.
A world class CFD package with the ability to model a variety of fluidic systems.
Similar to CHAM but comes as part of the ANSYS suite of software.
An easier to use analysis system built into ANSYS Workbench suite.
Finite Element
Analysis (FEA)
FEA has grown from its inception in the middle of the twentieth century. It is used in
everything from structural analysis, heat transfer, electromagnetics, and noise.
A stand-alone world class versatile FEA package particularly well suited to structural
analysis and heat transfer - but has many other functions. Incorporates optimization.
Part of the SolidWorks suite. FEA and fluid flow are incorporated with similar tools as
Another world class FEA solver but comes with a 3D dynamic modeling system that
allows dynamic forces to be modeled and integrated.
Another world class FEA system.
Especially good for nonlinear materials, such as rubbers.
Enables electrical circuits to be developed and analyzed.
8.5 Materials Selection
There is little doubt that selection of an appropriate material for your device, or part of your
device, will give you some sleepless nights. Essentially there is one thing you need to think
of straight away: What has been used before? This section will, I hope, help you to select
suitable materials for your designs using a structured approach - and not just rely on a “gut
feeling” (which is wholly the wrong approach).
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