Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Generating Ideas and Concepts
6.1 Introduction
In the divergent-convergent model, described previously, we saw that the generation of ideas
and concepts was of paramount importance. The specification developed in the previous
chapter should result in numerous ideas that are able (or unable) to meet its requirements. It
is not possible to overstate the importance of being open to the generation of ideas. It is the
single weapon against the “sacred cow.”
In this chapter we shall be looking at tools and methods that enable ideas and concepts
to be generated, liberally. Why liberally? One important aspect of design is to select the
best solution that meets a need…how are we able to select this from only one idea? We
need as many as possible. Consider golfers, do they go onto a golf course with only one
club? No, they do not - they have a whole bag full. Each one is a potential club to use
but only one is ideal; their first job is to pick that “one” club (remember the “one thing”
quote). However the analogy breaks down because they are able to fill a bag of clubs from
a shop. We do not have a shop of ideas we can walk into; however we can do our best to
create one.
Hence the aim of this chapter is to give you the tools that enable you to build that
“shop of ideas” so you are able to pluck potential ideas and concepts off the shelves,
at will. Some of the tools you can use on your own, for some you will need to be in a
group, and some can be either. I have attached symbols next to the section title to make
identification easier:
On your own:
This symbol means this activity can be performed on your own.
In a group:
This symbol means this activity is, or can be, performed in a group.
6.2 The “Engineer's Notebook”
If any of you have studied art you will have been told to carry a sketch pad with you at all
times. The same concept applies to designers, but we have a “notebook.” You will be amazed
how many ideas come into your head at the weirdest times and in the most obscure locations.
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