Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Supply of nutrients, yield of products from these nutrients, and recycle of unused
nutrients impact GWP and fossil fuel requirements significantly. Opportunities
exist in selecting algal species able to scavenge low nutrient concentrations, having
reduced nitrogen content, as well as to utilize nitrogen and phosphorous resources
efficiently, either by their provision from wastewater or through their recycle.
The typically dilute biomass concentrations required to minimize light limitation
result in the need to process large culture volumes; hence, natural flocculation to
facilitate settling is beneficial. In downstream processing, the most important factors
pertain to the ability to process wet biomass, thereby eliminating the drying process,
as well as the ability to recover product from the algal cell readily, thus minimizing
the requirement for conventional, energy-intensive cell disruption.
As reported by Harding (2009), the production phase typically has the greatest
impact on the overall LCA; hence, its optimization is required in the first instance.
Opportunities to improve the economics correlate well with the environmental
analysis with respect to operating costs. These highlight mass transfer and mixing,
provision of CO 2 , provision of nutrients, biomass recovery, and the avoidance of
rigorous drying. More importantly, the economic studies suggest that algal biofuel
technology requires further enhancement prior to its economic feasibility as a stand-
alone technology. However, opportunity exists to establish a cost-effective algal
biorefinery delivering a combination of products such as biodiesel, biogas, animal
feed, and protein extracts. To this, high-value products may be added. Further, the
predicted cost of algal biomass positions it attractively as a raw material source for
bulk products, including fuels, chemicals, materials feeds, and food supplements.
Batan, L., Quinn, J., Willson, B., and Bradley, T. (2010). Net energy and greenhouse gas
emission evaluation of biodiesel derived from microalgae. Environmental Science and
Technology, 44(20): 7975-7980.
Benemann, J., and Oswald, W.J. (1996). Systems and Economic Analysis of Microalgae Ponds
for Conversion of CO 2  to Biomass. Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center: U.S. DOE.
Campbell, P.K., Beer, T., and Batten, D. (2010). Life cycle assessment of biodiesel production
from microalgae in ponds. Bioresource Technology, 102(1): 50-56.
Chisti, Y. (2007). Biodiesel from microalgae. Biotechnology Advances, 25(3): 294-306.
Chisti,Y., and Yan, J. (2011). Energy from algae: Current status and future trends. Algal
biofuels - A status report . Applied Energy 88: 3277-3279.
Clarens, A.F., Resurreccion, E.P., White, M.A., and Colosi, L.A. (2010). Environmental life
cycle comparison of algae to other bioenergy feedstocks. Environmental Science and
Technology, 44(5): 1813.
Collet, P., Hélias, A., Lardon, L., Ras, M., Goy, R., and Steyer, J. (2010). Life-cycle assessment
of microalgae culture coupled to biogas production. Bioresource Technology, 102(1):
Consoli, F., Allen, D., Boustead, I., Fava, J., Franklin, W., Jense, A.A., De Oude, N., Parrish, R.,
Perriman, R., Postlewaite, D., Quay, B., Sequin, J., and Vigon, B. (Eds.) (1993). Guidelines
for Life-Cycle Assessment: A Code of Practice . SETAC Publications, Pensacola, FL.
Curran, M.A. (2000). Life cycle assessment: An international experience. Environmental
Progress, 19(2): 65-71.
Evans, A., Strezov, V., and Evans, T.J. (2009). Assessment of sustainability indicators for renew-
able energy technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(5): 1082-1088.
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