Travel Reference
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tourist office 旅行店 Luxing dian
If you read our pronunciation guides, provided in this section next to the
Cantonese script, as if they were English, you'll be understood fine. The tones
are indicated by accent marks on 'n' and on vowels: high (a), high rising (a),
low falling ( a ), low rising ( a ) and low ( a ). Note that 'au' is pronounced like
the 'ou' in 'out'; 'eu' as the 'er' in 'fern'; 'ew' as in 'blew' (with tightened lips); 'iu'
as the 'yu' in 'yuletide'; and 'ui' as the French word oui (or the English 'we') .
Also, the 'ng' sound can appear at the start of a word, and the words ending
with 'p', 't' and 'k' must be clipped in Cantonese. You can hear this in English
as well - say 'pit' and 'tip' and listen to how much shorter the 'p' sound is in
Hello. 哈佬。 haa·lo
Goodbye. 再見。 joy·gin
Yes. 係。 h a i
No. 不係。 ǹ g·h a i
Excuse me. 對唔住。 deui· ǹ g·j e w
Sorry. 對唔住。 deui· ǹ g·j e w
Please … 唔該 …… ǹ g·goy …
Thank you. 多謝。 daw·j e
You're welcome./ That's fine. 唔駛客氣。 ǹ g·sai haak·hay
How are you? 你幾好啊嗎 l a y gay ho a maa
Fine. And you? 幾好。 gay ho 你呢? l a y le
Do you speak English? 你識唔識講 l a y sik· ǹ g·sik gawng 英文啊?
ying·man aa
I don't understand. 我唔明。 ng a w ǹ g m i ng
How much is this? 幾多錢 ? gay·daw chin
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