Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The best-known river trip is the three-day boat ride along the Yangzi (Chang
Jiang) from Chongqing to Yichang ( Click here ). The Li River (Li Jiang) boat
trip from Guilin to Yangshuo ( Click here ) is a popular tourist ride.
Long-distance bus ( changtu gonggong qiche ) services are extensive and
reach places you cannot reach by train; with the increasing number of intercity
highways, journeys are getting quicker.
Routes between large cities sport larger, cleaner and more comfortable fleets
of private buses, some equipped with toilets and hostesses handing out
snacks and mineral water; shorter and more far-flung routes still rely on rattling
minibuses into which as many fares as possible are crammed.
Sleeper buses ( wopu keche ) ply popular long-haul routes, costing around
double the price of a normal bus service. Bunks can be short, however, and
buses are claustrophobic and impossible to escape if there is a fire.
All cities and most towns have one or more long-distance bus stations (
changtu qichezhan ), generally located in relation to the direction the bus
heads in. Most bus stations have a left-luggage counter. In many cities, the
train station forecourt doubles as a bus station.
Tickets are getting more expensive as fuel prices increase but are cheaper
and easier to get than train tickets; just turn up at the bus station and buy your
ticket there and then.
Tickets can be hard to procure during national holiday periods.
Breakdowns can be a hassle, and some rural roads and provincial routes (es-
pecially in the southwest, Tibet and the northwest) remain in bad condition.
Long-distance journeys can also be cramped and noisy, with Hong Kong films
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