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earmarked for a modern navy; the marble boat at the northern edge of the lake
was her only nautical, albeit quite unsinkable, concession.
Foreign troops, angered by the Boxer Rebellion, had another go at torching
the Summer Palace in 1900, prompting further restoration work.
Glittering Kunming Lake swallows up three-quarters of the park, overlooked
by Longevity Hill ( Wanshou Shan). The principal structure is the Hall of
Benevolence and Longevity Offline map Google map ( Renshou Dian;) , by
the east gate, housing a hardwood throne and attached to a courtyard decor-
ated with bronze animals, including the mythical qilin (a hybrid animal that only
appeared on earth at times of harmony).
An elegant stretch of woodwork along the northern shore, the Long Cor-
ridor Offline map Google map ( Chang Lang) is trimmed with paintings, while
the slopes and crest of Longevity Hill behind are adorned with Buddhist
temples. Slung out uphill on a north-south axis, the Buddhist Fragrance
Pavilion Offline map Google map ( Foxiang Ge) and the Cloud Dispelling Hall
Offline map Google map ( Paiyun Dian) are linked by corridors. Crowning the
peak is the Buddhist Temple of the Sea of Wisdom Offline map Google map (
Zhihui Hai), tiled with effigies of Buddha, many with obliterated heads.
Cixi's marble boat Offline map Google map ( Qingyan Chuan) sits immobile
on the north shore, south of some fine Qing boathouses Offline map
Google map ( Chuan Wu). When the lake is not frozen, you can traverse Kun-
ming Lake by ferry to South Lake Island ( Nanhu Dao ) , where Cixi went to
beseech the Dragon King Temple Offline map Google map ( Longwang Miao)
for rain in times of drought. A graceful 17-arch bridge Offline map Google map (
Shiqikong Qiao) spans the 150m to the eastern shore of the lake. In warm
weather, pedal boats (4-/6-person boat per hr ¥40/60; 8.30am-4.30pm in
summer) are also available from the dock.
Towards the North Palace Gate, Suzhou Street ( Suzhou Jie) is an enter-
taining diversion of riverside walkways, shops and eateries designed to mimic
the famous Jiangsu canal town.
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