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system uses stacks to manage the calls behind the scenes. To some extent, recursion provides
a level of abstraction that hides iterations and other details from the user.
20.19 How many times is the moveDisks method in Listing 20.8
invoked for
moveDisks(5, 'A', 'B', 'C') ?
20.8 Case Study: Fractals
Using recursion is ideal for displaying fractals, because fractals are inherently recursive.
A fractal is a geometrical figure, but unlike triangles, circles, and rectangles, fractals can be
divided into parts, each of which is a reduced-size copy of the whole. There are many inter-
esting examples of fractals. This section introduces a simple fractal, the Sierpinski triangle ,
named after a famous Polish mathematician.
A Sierpinski triangle is created as follows:
Fractal (Sierpinski triangle)
1. Begin with an equilateral triangle, which is considered to be a Sierpinski fractal of order
(or level) 0 , as shown in Figure 20.9a.
2. Connect the midpoints of the sides of the triangle of order 0 to create a Sierpinski trian-
gle of order 1 (Figure 20.9b).
3. Leave the center triangle intact. Connect the midpoints of the sides of the three other tri-
angles to create a Sierpinski triangle of order 2 (Figure 20.9c).
4. You can repeat the same process recursively to create a Sierpinski triangle of order 3 , 4 ,
. . . , and so on (Figure 20.9d).
The problem is inherently recursive. How do you develop a recursive solution for it? Con-
sider the base case when the order is 0 . It is easy to draw a Sierpinski triangle of order 0 .
(a) Order 0
(b) Order 1
(c) Order 2
(d) Order 3
F IGURE 20.9
A Sierpinski triangle is a pattern of recursive triangles.
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