Java Reference
In-Depth Information
18.6.1 The init Method
The init method is invoked after the applet is created. If a subclass of Applet has an ini-
tialization to perform, it should override this method. The functions usually implemented in
this method include getting string parameter values from the <applet> tag in the HTML
18.6.2 The start Method
The start method is invoked after the init method. It is also called when the user returns to
the Web page containing the applet after surfing other pages.
A subclass of Applet overrides this method if it has any operation that needs to be per-
formed whenever the Web page containing the applet is visited. An applet with animation, for
example, might start the timer to resume animation.
18.6.3 The stop Method
The stop method is the opposite of the start method. The start method is called when the
user moves back to the page that contains the applet. The stop method is invoked when the
user leaves the page.
A subclass of Applet overrides this method if it has any operation to be performed each
time the Web page containing the applet is no longer visible. An applet with animation, for
example, might stop the timer to pause animation.
18.6.4 The destroy Method
The destroy method is invoked when the browser exits normally to inform the applet that it
is no longer needed and should release any resources it has allocated. The stop method is
always called before the destroy method.
A subclass of Applet overrides this method if it has any operation to be performed before
it is destroyed. Usually, you won't need to override this method unless you want to release
specific resources that the applet created.
Describe the init() , start() , stop() , and destroy() methods in the Applet
Why does the applet in (a) below display nothing? Why does the applet in (b) have
a runtime NullPointerException on the highlighted line?
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class WelcomeApplet extends JApplet {
public void WelcomeApplet() {
JLabel jlblMessage =
new JLabel( "It is Java" );
public class WelcomeApplet extends JApplet {
private JLabel jlblMessage;
public WelcomeApplet() {
JLabel jlblMessage =
new JLabel( "It is Java" );
public void init() {
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