Java Reference
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( Demonstrate JLabel properties ) Write a program to let the user dynami-
cally set the properties horizontalAlignment , verticalAlignment ,
horizontalTextAlignment , and verticalTextAlignment , as shown in
Figure 17.24.
Panel with GridLayout
Panel with BorderLayout
Panel with BorderLayout
Panel with GridLayout
for two combo boxes
Panel with
for two labels
Panel with GridLayout
for two combo boxes
Panel with GridLayout
for two labels
F IGURE 17.24
You can set the alignment and text-position properties of a label dynamically.
( Mandelbrot fractal ) Programming Exercise 15.20 displays Mandelbrot fractal.
Note that the values 77 , 58 , and 159 in line 15 in the MandelbrotCanvas class
in Programming Exercise 15.20 impact the color of the image. Revise the pro-
gram to let the user enter these values from text fields dynamically, as shown in
Figure 17.25a.
(a) (b)
F IGURE 17.25 (a) The program enables the user to set the colors dynamically. (b) You can set a text field's properties for
the horizontal alignment and column size dynamically.
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