Java Reference
In-Depth Information
To write Java programs to perform simple computations (§2.2).
To obtain input from the console using the Scanner class (§2.3).
To use identifiers to name variables, constants, methods, and classes (§2.4).
To use variables to store data (§§2.5-2.6).
To program with assignment statements and assignment expressions (§2.6).
To use constants to store permanent data (§2.7).
To name classes, methods, variables, and constants by following their
naming conventions (§2.8).
To explore Java numeric primitive data types: byte , short , int , long ,
float , and double (§2.9.1).
To perform operations using operators + , - , * , / , and % (§2.9.2).
To perform exponent operations using Math.pow(a, b) (§2.9.3).
To write integer literals, floating-point literals, and literals in scientific
notation (§2.10).
To write and evaluate numeric expressions (§2.11).
To obtain the current system time using
System.currentTimeMillis() (§2.12).
To use augmented assignment operators (§2.13).
To distinguish between postincrement and preincrement and between
postdecrement and predecrement (§2.14).
To cast the value of one type to another type (§2.15).
To describe the software development process and apply it to develop the
loan payment program (§2.16).
To represent characters using the char type (§2.17).
To represent a string using the String type (§2.18).
To obtain input using the JOptionPane input dialog boxes (§2.19).
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