Java Reference
In-Depth Information
clone of calendar and assigns the new object's reference to calendar2 . calendar2 and
calendar are different objects with the same contents.
The following code
1 ArrayList<Double> list1 = new ArrayList<Double>();
2 list1.add( 1.5 );
3 list1.add( 2.5 );
4 list1.add( 3.5 );
5 ArrayList<Double> list2 = (ArrayList<Double>)list1.clone();
6 ArrayList<Double> list3 = list1;
7 list2.add( 4.5 );
8 list3.remove( 1.5 );
9 System.out.println( "list1 is " + list1);
10 System.out.println( "list2 is " + list2);
11 System.out.println( "list3 is " + list3);
list1 is [2.5, 3.5]
list2 is [1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]
list3 is [2.5, 3.5]
In the preceding code, line 5 creates a new object that is the clone of list1 and assigns the
new object's reference to list2 . list2 and list1 are different objects with the same con-
tents. Line 6 copies the reference of list1 to list3 , so list1 and list3 point to the same
ArrayList object. Line 7 adds 4.5 into list2 . Line 8 removes 1.5 from list3 . Since
list1 and list3 point to the same ArrayList , line 9 and 11 display the same content.
You can clone an array using the clone method. For example, the following code
clone arrays
1 int [] list1 = { 1 , 2 };
2 int [] list2 = list1.clone();
3 list1[ 0 ] = 7 ;
4 list2[ 1 ] = 8 ;
5 System.out.println( "list1 is " + list1[ 0 ] + ", " + list1[ 1 ]);
6 System.out.println( "list2 is " + list2[ 0 ] + ", " + list2[ 1 ]);
list1 is 7 , 2
list2 is 1 , 8
how to implement Cloneable
To define a custom class that implements the Cloneable interface, the class must override
the clone() method in the Object class. Listing 15.11 defines a class named House that
implements Cloneable and Comparable .
L ISTING 15.11
1 public class
House implements Cloneable, Comparable<House>
private int id;
private double area;
private java.util.Date whenBuilt;
6 public House( int id, double area) {
7 this .id = id;
8 this .area = area;
9 whenBuilt = new java.util.Date();
10 }
public int getId() {
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