Java Reference
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public short shortValue() {
return ( short )intValue();
With Number defined as the superclass for the numeric classes, we can define methods to per-
form common operations for numbers. Listing 15.5 gives a program that finds the largest
number in a list of Number objects.
1 import java.util.ArrayList;
2 import java.math.*;
4 public class LargestNumbers {
5 public static void main(String[] args) {
6 ArrayList<Number> list = new ArrayList<Number>();
7 list.add( 45 ); // Add an integer
8 list.add( 3445 . 53 ); // Add a double
9 // Add a BigInteger
10 list.add( new BigInteger( "3432323234344343101" ));
11 // Add a BigDecimal
12 list.add( new BigDecimal( "2.0909090989091343433344343" ));
14 System.out.println( "The largest number is " +
15 getLargestNumber(list));
16 }
create an array list
add number to list
invoke getLargestNumber
public static Number getLargestNumber(ArrayList<Number> list) {
if (list == null || list.size() == 0 )
return null ;
22 Number number = list.get( 0 );
23 for ( int i = 1 ; i < list.size(); i++)
24 if (number.doubleValue() < list.get(i).doubleValue())
25 number = list.get(i);
return number;
28 }
29 }
The largest number is 3432323234344343101
The program creates an ArrayList of Number objects (line 6). It adds an Integer object, a
Double object, a BigInteger object, and a BigDecimal object to the list (lines 7-12). Note
that 45 is automatically converted into an Integer object and added to the list in line 7 and
that 3445.53 is automatically converted into a Double object and added to the list in line 8
using autoboxing.
Invoking the getLargestNumber method returns the largest number in the list (line 15).
The getLargestNumber method returns null if the list is null or the list size is 0 (lines
19-20). To find the largest number in the list, the numbers are compared by invoking their
doubleValue() method (line 24). The doubleValue() method is defined in the Number
class and implemented in the concrete subclass of Number . If a number is an Integer object,
the Integer 's doubleValue() is invoked. If a number is a BigDecimal object, the
BigDecimal 's doubleValue() is invoked.
If the doubleValue() method is not defined in the Number class. You will not be able to
find the largest number among different types of numbers using the Number class.
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