Java Reference
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14.13 Reading Data from the Web
Just like you can read data from a file on your computer, you can read data from a file
on the Web.
In addition to reading data from a local file on a computer or file server, you can also access
data from a file that is on the Web if you know the file's URL (Uniform Resource Locator—
the unique address for a file on the Web). For example, is the URL
for the file index.html located on the Google Web server. When you enter the URL in a Web
browser, the Web server sends the data to your browser, which renders the data graphically.
Figure 14.11 illustrates how this process works.
Local files
F IGURE 14.11
The client retrieves files from a Web server.
For an application program to read data from a URL, you first need to create a URL object
using the class with this constructor:
public URL(String spec) throws MalformedURLException
For example, the following statement creates a URL object for
. com/index.html .
1 try {
2 URL url = new URL( " ");
3 }
4 catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
5 ex.printStackTrace();
6 }
A MalformedURLException is thrown if the URL string has a syntax error. For example,
the URL string “ http: ” would cause a MalformedURLException
runtime error because two slashes ( // ) are required after the colon ( : ). Note that the
http:// prefix is required for the URL class to recognize a valid URL. It would be wrong if
you replace line 2 with the following code:
URL url = new URL( "" );
After a URL object is created, you can use the openStream() method defined in the URL
class to open an input stream and use this stream to create a Scanner object as follows:
Scanner input = new Scanner(url.openStream());
Now you can read the data from the input stream just like from a local file. The example in
Listing 14.17 prompts the user to enter a URL and displays the size of the file.
L ISTING 14.17
1 import java.util.Scanner;
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