Java Reference
In-Depth Information
37 input.close();
38 output.close();
39 }
40 }
close file
In a normal situation, the program is terminated after a file is copied. The program is termi-
nated abnormally if the command-line arguments are not used properly (lines 7-11), if the
source file does not exist (lines 14-18), or if the target file already exists (lines 22-25). The
exit status code 1, 2, and 3 are used to indicate these abnormal terminations (lines 10, 17, 24).
14.29 How do you create a PrintWriter to write data to a file? What is the reason to
declare throws Exception in the main method in Listing 14.13,
What would happen if the close() method were not invoked in Listing 14.13?
14.30 Show the contents of the file temp.txt after the following program is executed.
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { output = new "temp.txt" );
output.printf( "amount is %f %e\r\n" , 32.32 , 32.32 );
output.printf( "amount is %5.4f %5.4e\r\n" , 32.32 , 32.32 );
output.printf( "%6b\r\n" , ( 1 > 2 ));
output.printf( "%6s\r\n" , "Java" );
How do you create a Scanner to read data from a file? What is the reason to define
throws Exception in the main method in Listing 14.14, What
would happen if the close() method were not invoked in Listing 14.14?
What will happen if you attempt to create a Scanner for a nonexistent file? What
will happen if you attempt to create a PrintWriter for an existing file?
Is the line separator the same on all platforms? What is the line separator on Windows?
Suppose you enter 45 57.8 789 , then press the Enter key. Show the contents of the
variables after the following code is executed.
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int intValue = input.nextInt();
double doubleValue = input.nextDouble();
String line = input.nextLine();
Suppose you enter 45 , press the Enter key, 57.8 , press the Enter key, 789 , and press
the Enter key. Show the contents of the variables after the following code is executed.
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int intValue = input.nextInt();
double doubleValue = input.nextDouble();
String line = input.nextLine();
14.12 File Dialogs
JFileChooser is a GUI component for displaying a file dialog.
Java provides the javax.swing.JFileChooser class for displaying a file dialog, as shown
in Figure 14.10. From this dialog box, the user can choose a file.
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