Java Reference
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Can you use the File class for I/O? Does creating a File object create a file on
the disk?
14.11 File Input and Output
Use the Scanner class for reading text data from a file and the PrintWriter class
for writing text data to a file.
A File object encapsulates the properties of a file or a path, but it does not contain the meth-
ods for creating a file or for writing/reading data to/from a file (referred to as data input and
output , or I/O for short). In order to perform I/O, you need to create objects using appropriate
Java I/O classes. The objects contain the methods for reading/writing data from/to a file.
There are two types of files: text and binary. Text files are essentially strings on disk. This sec-
tion introduces how to read/write strings and numeric values from/to a text file using the
Scanner and PrintWriter classes. Binary files will be introduced in Chapter 19.
Write and read data
14.11.1 Writing Data Using PrintWriter
The class can be used to create a file and write data to a text file.
First, you have to create a PrintWriter object for a text file as follows:
PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(filename);
Then, you can invoke the print , println , and printf methods on the PrintWriter object
to write data to a file. Figure 14.8 summarizes frequently used methods in PrintWriter .
+PrintWriter(file: File)
Creates a PrintWriter object for the specified file object.
+PrintWriter(filename: String)
+print(s: String): void
Creates a PrintWriter object for the specified file-name string.
Writes a string to the file.
+print(c: char): void
+print(cArray: char[]): void
+print(i: int): void
+print(l: long): void
+print(f: float): void
+print(d: double): void
+print(b: boolean): void
Also contains the overloaded
println methods.
Writes a character to the file.
Writes an array of characters to the file.
Writes an int value to the file.
Writes a long value to the file.
Writes a float value to the file.
Writes a double value to the file.
Writes a boolean value to the file.
A println method acts like a print method; additionally, it
prints a line separator. The line-separator string is defined
by the system. It is \r\n on Windows and \n on Unix.
The printf method was introduced in §3.16, “Formatting
Console Output.”
Also contains the overloaded
printf methods.
F IGURE 14.8
The PrintWriter class contains the methods for writing data to a text file.
Listing 14.13 gives an example that creates an instance of PrintWriter and writes two
lines to the file scores.txt . Each line consists of a first name (a string), a middle-name initial
(a character), a last name (a string), and a score (an integer).
L ISTING 14.13
1 public class WriteData {
2 public static void main(String[] args) throws IoException {
3 file = new "scores.txt" );
throws an exception
create File object
file exist?
if (file.exists()) {
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