Java Reference
In-Depth Information
try {
try {
catch (
catch (
Exception ex
) {
RuntimeException ex
) {
catch (
catch (
RuntimeException ex
) {
Exception ex
) {
(a) Wrong order
(b) Correct order
Java forces you to deal with checked exceptions. If a method declares a checked exception
(i.e., an exception other than Error or RuntimeException ), you must invoke it in a
try-catch block or declare to throw the exception in the calling method. For example,
suppose that method p1 invokes method p2 , and p2 may throw a checked exception
(e.g., IOException ); you have to write the code as shown in (a) or (b) below.
catch or declare checked
void p1() {
void p1()
throws IOException
try {
catch (IOException ex) {
(a) Catch exception
(b) Throw exception
You can use the new JDK 7 multi-catch feature to simplify coding for the exceptions with
the same handling code. The syntax is:
JDK 7 multi-catch
catch (Exception1 | Exception2 | ... | Exceptionk ex) {
// Code to handle exceptions
Each exception type is separated from the next with a vertical bar ( | ). If one of the
exceptions is caught, the handling code is executed.
14.4.4 Getting Information from Exceptions
An exception object contains valuable information about the exception. You may use the fol-
lowing instance methods in the java.lang.Throwable class to get information regarding
the exception, as shown in Figure 14.4. The printStackTrace() method prints stack trace
methods in Throwable
+getMessage(): String
+toString(): String
Returns the message that describes this exception object.
Returns the concatenation of three strings: (1) the full name of the exception
class; (2) ":" (a colon and a space); (3) the getMessage() method.
Prints the Throwable object and its call stack trace information on the
Returns an array of stack trace elements representing the stack trace
+printStackTrace(): void
pertaining to this exception object.
F IGURE 14.4 Throwable is the root class for all exception objects.
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