Java Reference
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Provide a get method only if you want the field to be readable, and provide a set method
only if you want the field to be updateable. For example, the Course class provides a get
method for courseName , but no set method, because the user is not allowed to change the
course name once it is created.
10.11.4 Clarity
Cohesion, consistency, and encapsulation are good guidelines for achieving design clarity.
Additionally, a class should have a clear contract that is easy to explain and easy to understand.
Users can incorporate classes in many different combinations, orders, and environments.
Therefore, you should design a class that imposes no restrictions on how or when the user can
use it, design the properties in a way that lets the user set them in any order and with any com-
bination of values, and design methods that function independently of their order of occur-
rence. For example, the Loan class contains the properties loanAmount , numberOfYears ,
and annualInterestRate . The values of these properties can be set in any order.
Methods should be defined intuitively without causing confusion. For example, the
substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) method in the String class is some-
what confusing. The method returns a substring from beginIndex to endIndex - 1 , rather
than to endIndex . It would be more intuitive to return a substring from beginIndex to
endIndex .
You should not declare a data field that can be derived from other data fields. For example,
the following Person class has two data fields: birthDate and age . Since age can be
derived from birthDate , age should not be declared as a data field.
easy to explain
independent methods
intuitive meaning
independent properties
public class Person {
private java.util.Date birthDate;
private int age;
10.11.5 Completeness
Classes are designed for use by many different customers. In order to be useful in a wide
range of applications, a class should provide a variety of ways for customization through
properties and methods. For example, the String class contains more than 40 methods that
are useful for a variety of applications.
10.11.6 Instance vs. Static
A variable or method that is dependent on a specific instance of the class must be an instance
variable or method. A variable that is shared by all the instances of a class should be declared
static. For example, the variable numberOfObjects in CircleWithPrivateDataFields
in Listing 8.9 is shared by all the objects of the CircleWithPrivateDataFields class and
therefore is declared static. A method that is not dependent on a specific instance should
be defined as a static method. For instance, the getNumberOfObjects method in
CircleWithPrivateDataFields is not tied to any specific instance and therefore is
defined as a static method.
Always reference static variables and methods from a class name (rather than a reference
variable) to improve readability and avoid errors.
Do not pass a parameter from a constructor to initialize a static data field. It is better to
use a set method to change the static data field. Thus, the following class in (a) is better
replaced by (b).
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