Java Reference
In-Depth Information
+append(data: char[]): StringBuilder
+append(data: char[], offset: int, len: int):
+append(v: aPrimitiveType ): StringBuilder
Appends a char array into this string builder.
Appends a subarray in data into this string builder.
Appends a primitive type value as a string to this
Appends a string to this string builder.
Deletes characters from startIndex to endIndex-1 .
+append(s: String): StringBuilder
+delete(startIndex: int, endIndex: int):
+deleteCharAt(index: int): StringBuilder
+insert(index: int, data: char[], offset: int,
len: int): StringBuilder
+insert(offset: int, data: char[]):
+insert(offset: int, b: aPrimitiveType ):
+insert(offset: int, s: String): StringBuilder
+replace(startIndex: int, endIndex: int, s:
String): StringBuilder
+reverse(): StringBuilder
+setCharAt(index: int, ch: char): void
Deletes a character at the specified index.
Inserts a subarray of the data in the array into the builder
at the specified index.
Inserts data into this builder at the position offset.
Inserts a value converted to a string into this builder.
Inserts a string into this builder at the position offset.
Replaces the characters in this builder from startIndex
to endIndex-1 with the specified string.
Reverses the characters in the builder.
Sets a new character at the specified index in this
F IGURE 9.12
The StringBuilder class contains the methods for modifying string builders.
The StringBuilder class also contains overloaded methods to insert boolean , char ,
char array , double , float , int , long , and String into a string builder. Consider the
following code:
stringBuilder.insert( 11 , "HTML and " );
Suppose stringBuilder contains Welcome to Java before the insert method is
applied. This code inserts "HTML and " at position 11 in stringBuilder ( just before the
J ). The new stringBuilder is Welcome to HTML and Java .
You can also delete characters from a string in the builder using the two delete methods,
reverse the string using the reverse method, replace characters using the replace method,
or set a new character in a string using the setCharAt method.
For example, suppose stringBuilder contains Welcome to Java before each of the
following methods is applied:
stringBuilder.delete(8, 11) changes the builder to Welcome Java .
stringBuilder.deleteCharAt(8) changes the builder to Welcome o Java.
stringBuilder.reverse() changes the builder to avaJ ot emocleW .
stringBuilder.replace(11, 15, "HTML") changes the builder to Welcome to HTML .
stringBuilder.setCharAt(0, 'w') sets the builder to welcome to Java .
All these modification methods except setCharAt do two things:
Change the contents of the string builder
Return the reference of the string builder
ignore return value
For example, the following statement
StringBuilder stringBuilder1 = stringBuilder.reverse();
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