Java Reference
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compareToIgnoreCase methods ignore the case of the letters when comparing two strings.
The regionMatches method compares portions of two strings for equality. You can also use
str.startsWith(prefix) to check whether string str starts with a specified prefix, and
str.endsWith(suffix) to check whether string str ends with a specified suffix.
9.2.4 Getting String Length and Characters, and Combining
The String class provides the methods for obtaining a string's length, retrieving individual
characters, and concatenating strings, as shown in Figure 9.3.
+length(): int
+charAt(index: int): char
+concat(s1: String): String
Returns the number of characters in this string.
Returns the character at the specified index from this string.
Returns a new string that concatenates this string with string s1 .
The String class contains the methods for getting string length, individual characters, and combining strings.
You can get the length of a string by invoking its length() method. For example,
message.length() returns the length of the string message .
length is a method in the String class but is a property of an array object. Therefore,
you have to use s.length() to get the number of characters in string s , and
a.length to get the number of elements in array a .
string length vs. array length
The s.charAt(index) method can be used to retrieve a specific character in a string s ,
where the index is between 0 and s.length()-1 . For example, message.charAt(0)
returns the character W , as shown in Figure 9.4.
When you use a string, you often know its literal value. For convenience, Java allows you
to use the string literal to refer directly to strings without creating new variables. Thus,
"Welcome to Java".charAt(0) is correct and returns W .
string literal
0123456789 0 1 2 3 4
We l
message.length() is 15
The characters in a String object are stored using an array internally.
The String class uses an array to store characters internally. The array is private and
cannot be accessed outside of the String class. The String class provides many
public methods, such as length() and charAt(index) , to retrieve the string infor-
mation. This is a good example of encapsulation: the data field of the class is hidden
from the user through the private modifier, and thus the user cannot directly manipulate
it. If the array were not private, the user would be able to change the string content by
modifying the array. This would violate the tenet that the String class is immutable.
encapsulating string
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