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The return value is an instance of Location . Write a test program that prompts
the user to enter a two-dimensional array and displays the location of the largest
element in the array. Here is a sample run:
3 4
Enter the number of rows and columns in the array:
Enter the array:
23.5 35 2 10
4.5 3 45 3.5
35 44 5.5 9.6
The location of the largest element is 45 at (1, 2)
( Stopwatch ) Design a class named StopWatch . The class contains:
Private data fields startTime and endTime with get methods.
A no-arg constructor that initializes startTime with the current time.
A method named start() that resets the startTime to the current time.
A method named stop() that sets the endTime to the current time.
A method named getElapsedTime() that returns the elapsed time for the
stopwatch in milliseconds.
Draw the UML diagram for the class and then implement the class. Write a test
program that measures the execution time of sorting 100,000 numbers using selec-
tion sort.
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