Java Reference
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A private data field cannot be accessed by an object from outside the class that defines the
private field. However, a client often needs to retrieve and modify a data field. To make a pri-
vate data field accessible, provide a get method to return its value. To enable a private data
field to be updated, provide a set method to set a new value.
Colloquially, a get method is referred to as a getter (or accessor ), and a set method is
referred to as a setter (or mutator ).
getter (or accessor)
setter (or mutator)
A get method has the following signature:
public returnType getPropertyName()
boolean accessor
If the returnType is boolean , the get method should be defined as follows by convention:
public boolean isPropertyName()
A set method has the following signature:
public void setPropertyName(dataType propertyValue)
Let's create a new circle class with a private data-field radius and its associated accessor and
mutator methods. The class diagram is shown in Figure 8.17. The new circle class, named
CircleWithPrivateDataFields , is defined in Listing 8.9:
-radius: double
-numberOfObjects: int
The - sign indicates
a private modifier
The radius of this circle (default: 1.0).
The number of circle objects created.
Constructs a default circle object.
+Circle(radius: double)
Constructs a circle object with the specified radius.
+getRadius(): double
Returns the radius of this circle.
+setRadius(radius: double): void
Sets a new radius for this circle.
+getNumberOfObjects(): int
Returns the number of circle objects created.
+getArea(): double
Returns the area of this circle.
F IGURE 8.17
The Circle class encapsulates circle properties and provides get/set and other methods.
public class CircleWithPrivateDataFields {
/** The radius of the circle */
encapsulate radius
private double radius = 1 ;
/** The number of objects created */
8 /** Construct a circle with radius 1 */
9 public CircleWithPrivateDataFields() {
10 numberOfObjects++;
11 }
13 /** Construct a circle with a specified radius */
14 public CircleWithPrivateDataFields( double newRadius) {
15 radius = newRadius;
private static int numberOfObjects = 0 ;
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