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Can the rows in a two-dimensional array have different lengths?
What is the output of the following code?
int [][] array = new int [ 5 ][ 6 ];
int [] x = { 1 , 2 };
array[ 0 ] = x;
System.out.println( "array[0][1] is " + array[ 0 ][ 1 ]);
Which of the following statements are valid?
int [][] r = new int [ 2 ];
int [] x = new int [];
int [][] y = new int [ 3 ][];
int [][] z = {{ 1 , 2 }};
int [][] m = {{ 1 , 2 }, { 2 , 3 }};
int [][] n = {{ 1 , 2 }, { 2 , 3 }, };
7.3 Processing Two-Dimensional Arrays
Nested for loops are often used to process a two-dimensional array.
Suppose an array matrix is created as follows:
int [][] matrix = new int [ 10 ][ 10 ];
The following are some examples of processing two-dimensional arrays.
1. Initializing arrays with input values. The following loop initializes the array with user
input values:
java.util.Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println( "Enter " + matrix.length + " rows and " +
matrix[ 0 ].length + " columns: " );
for ( int row = 0 ; row <
; row++) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column <
; column++) {
matrix[row][column] = input.nextInt();
2. Initializing arrays with random values. The following loop initializes the array with
random values between 0 and 99 :
for ( int row = 0 ; row < ; row++) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < ; column++) {
matrix[row][column] = ( int )(Math.random() * 100 );
3. Printing arrays. To print a two-dimensional array, you have to print each element in the
array using a loop like the following:
for ( int row = 0 ; row <
; row++) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column <
; column++) {
System.out.print(matrix[row][column] + " " );
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