Java Reference
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( Perfect number ) A positive integer is called a perfect number if it is equal to the
sum of all of its positive divisors, excluding itself. For example, 6 is the first per-
fect number because 6 = 3 + 2 + 1 . The next is 28 = 14 + 7 + 4 + 2 +
1 . There are four perfect numbers less than 10,000. Write a program to find all
these four numbers.
( Game: scissor, rock, paper ) Exercise 3.17 gives a program that plays the scissor-
rock-paper game. Revise the program to let the user continuously play until
either the user or the computer wins more than two times.
( Summation ) Write a program to compute the following summation.
2 +
3 +
4 + c +
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
**4.36 ( Business application: checking ISBN ) Use loops to simplify Exercise 3.9.
**4.37 ( Decimal to binary ) Write a program that prompts the user to enter a decimal
integer and displays its corresponding binary value. Don't use Java's
Integer.toBinaryString(int) in this program.
**4.38 ( Decimal to hex ) Write a program that prompts the user to enter a decimal inte-
ger and displays its corresponding hexadecimal value. Don't use Java's
Integer.toHexString(int) in this program.
*4.39 ( Financial application: find the sales amount ) You have just started a sales job in
a department store. Your pay consists of a base salary and a commission. The
base salary is $5,000. The scheme shown below is used to determine the com-
mission rate.
Sales Amount
Commission Rate
8 percent
10 percent
$10,000.01 and above
12 percent
Your goal is to earn $30,000 a year. Write a program that finds out the minimum
number of sales you have to generate in order to make $30,000.
( Simulation: heads or tails ) Write a program that simulates flipping a coin one
million times and displays the number of heads and tails.
( Occurrence of max numbers ) Write a program that reads integers, finds the
largest of them, and counts its occurrences. Assume that the input ends with
number 0 . Suppose that you entered 3 5 2 5 5 5 0 ; the program finds that the
largest is 5 and the occurrence count for 5 is 4 .
( Hint : Maintain two variables, max and count . max stores the current max num-
ber, and count stores its occurrences. Initially, assign the first number to max
and 1 to count . Compare each subsequent number with max . If the number is
greater than max , assign it to max and reset count to 1 . If the number is equal to
max , increment count by 1 .)
3 5 2 5 5 5 0
Enter numbers:
The largest number is 5
The occurrence count of the largest number is 4
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