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The above template class List looks similar to any other class definition,
except that the first line denotes it as a template for use with the undefined type X .
This identifier, X , is the placeholder that will be replaced when the template class
is instantiated by some concrete data type that is to be acted on. The append
method, for example, will then accept a single argument containing that data type
and add it to the list. The data type of the element will be declared upon the
creation of a list object, as in the following example.
In the first bit of code above, we create a class Apple . Next, we instantiate the
template class List into an object named appleList , to be used with the data
type Apple . We go on to create two instances of the Apple class, appleA and
appleB , and use the append method derived from the template class to add
them to appleList . The statement List for Apple appleList substitutes
every occurrence of the placeholder X from our template class with the data type
Apple for appleList . In this way, templates provide for yet another level of
abstraction by allowing for dynamic data type declarations with classes.
2.5.3 Generic Components
The principle of abstraction lies at the heart of component based software engi-
neering. Abstraction allows for the creation of generalized components which can
be modified and implemented for specific situations. This generalization enhances
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